Welcome to the Customer Engagement Hub!

To ensure your request meets the required criteria, please review the qualification information below.

Qualification Criteria

  • Attached billed or consumption pipeline must be qualified and in the Open state (MCEM stages 2-3)
  • Estimated close date within 18 months of the requested engagement date
  • Listen & Consult engagements require area leadership sponsorship

Minimum Aggregate Pipeline Thresholds

Your request must meet or exceed the following thresholds for the selected location:

  • Executive Briefing Center: $15M
  • Regional Experience Centers: $3M
  • Innovation Hub: Enterprise customer with cross-solution challenge

Based on the inputs provided, final qualification will be done bythe site director.
Click "OK" to proceed.

If your IEC tour is part of a larger EBC briefing, do NOT submit this request and contact your engagement program manager.