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Display title: ({speakerDetails.speaker_display_jobtitle})
Pronouns: ({speakerDetails.speaker_persona_name})
Language spoken fluently: ({speakerDetails.speaker_languages_spoken})
Language other: ({speakerDetails.speaker_languages_other})
No Center, Virtual-Only: ({speakerDetails.speaker_virtualonly ? 'Yes' : 'No'})
Location able to support in-person: ({speakerDetails.speaker_center_name})
Location able to support virtually: ({speakerDetails.speaker_virtual_center_name?.replace(',',',')})
Delegate: ({speakerDetails.speaker_delegate?.[0]?.name})
Speaker status: ({speakerDetails.speaker_status == 0? 'Active' : 'Inactive'})
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Training history
No Trainings
({ truncateText(item.train_type, 40) }
Award history
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